It's Finishing the Hat Week here on Heartbreaking Mess. Here are the rules:
1) No new projects on the needles.
2) All existing projects must be completed with the materials at hand.
3) That means no new yarn.
4) Not any.
5) Knitting is now the top priority craft around here until I Finish the Hats/Scarves/etc.
Keeping these rules in mind over the past two days, I Finished a Hat.
Incidentally, this was supposed to be a hat for Noah. Then after (sigh) not paying enough attention to gauge, I realized it was moderately gynormous and he'd probably be swimming in it. So then it became a hat for me! And then I misread the pattern last night (knitting and wine perhaps do not mix?) and ended the hat two inches early. So now, it is a short, fat hat.
But apparently Noah has a short, fat head.

I'm still furious, because the hat is so short the brim doesn't even fold up correctly, but at least I have learned a valuable Lesson about gauge.