
Finishing the Hat Week

It's Finishing the Hat Week here on Heartbreaking Mess. Here are the rules:

1) No new projects on the needles.

2) All existing projects must be completed with the materials at hand.

3) That means no new yarn.

4) Not any.

5) Knitting is now the top priority craft around here until I Finish the Hats/Scarves/etc.

Keeping these rules in mind over the past two days, I Finished a Hat.

Incidentally, this was supposed to be a hat for Noah. Then after (sigh) not paying enough attention to gauge, I realized it was moderately gynormous and he'd probably be swimming in it. So then it became a hat for me! And then I misread the pattern last night (knitting and wine perhaps do not mix?) and ended the hat two inches early. So now, it is a short, fat hat.

But apparently Noah has a short, fat head.

I'm still furious, because the hat is so short the brim doesn't even fold up correctly, but at least I have learned a valuable Lesson about gauge.



Life Lessons

Just saw this in someone's signature on DeviantArt:
Life is like a ball of wool, it starts fine is messy in the middle and ends up fine again."

Whoever said that never turned two skeins of Misti Alpacas Pima Cotton/Silk (#440, Papaya) into an effing mess. It's lovely yarn, beautiful sheen, soft to the touch, and I turned it into Cynthia McKinney by being too shy to ask the nice lady at Imagiknit to show me how to wind the yarn winder thing. I just took it home and tried to knit with it. Lesson. Learned.

Also in knitting news, I just knitted a hat for someone. Someone with a small head. I did knit a gauge swatch, I swear, but I didn't put much effort into it and then unraveled it so I could use it for the Small Hat. Which ended up a Gynormous Hat. Lesson. Learned.

Also, if you have ten hours of work to complete by the end of the weekend, don't spend three hours completing and seaming a Hat you already know to be Gynormous, or you will end up spending Sunday evaluating porn sites instead of sipping coffee while reading the Sunday Times and listening to Nina Simone. Lesson. Learned.


Duboce Playground
Maia can make a friend in about five minutes. She and this unnamed child (Maia doesn't know her name) sold pretend ice cream, built a fort, hit the swings, and did a bunch of other stuff I didn't see while I was chasing Noah through the foliage. The little girl was so upset when she had to leave Maia for home that she had a tantrum. I sympathize -- Maia is pretty fun. She's sweet and imaginative and athletic and enthusiastic and brilliant and about a million other excellent things.

The sky was blue, the air was cold, and the N Judahs kept cruising by the playground, to Noah's delight. We were supposed to proceed to the aquarium, but the kids didn't want to leave, so I decided to just wing it. It was nice to be outside after a week of rain and bouncing off the walls and ceiling. I'm trying to be Spontaneous Mom instead of Type A Freak Mom. Spontaneous Mom seems to have more fun.
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Dear Noah,

I'm just wondering why you decided to pour a bag of Goldfish pretzels into a mesh basket. Did you think you were plating them for serving? Mesh has holes in it. That means that you essentially strained out all the salt, leaving it on the coffee table and living room floor. I would be a lot more annoyed if I didn't own a Dustbuster.
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He's not that into you
Noah is not your boyfriend. He's always blowing you off to watch Go, Diego, Go! with the guys (as shown at left. Look at how annoyed he is that you showed up anyway.) When you try to kiss him, he says "no kit." When you bring up the topic of commitment, he says "go bye."

He does have most of the vocabulary necessary to be in a fraternity:

Pi-tAH = "Let's order a pizza."
a-MOH? = "Where's the remote?" (also: Obadeuw = "Over there.")
Neem = "What's your name, baby?"
Gub-UH = "I need a drink."
Pani = "Panties."

If he keeps referring to breasts as "Noni," he's going to have a very lonely adolescence.


Cherries on Keyboard
A brilliant commentary on the futility of modern existence, due to our inability to merge nature with technology. The dried cherries, scattered on the cold keyboard, recall withering petals on asphalt. If full, lush cherries turn to dust, what must our fate be in the digital future?

The notebook, covered in images of fresh blossoms, lies neglected. Handwriting is made obsolete by the keyboard. So, too, are efforts like needlework, symbolized by the knitting book, it, too, surrounded by cherries.

No one knows what the lone, discarded sock means.


I heart SF

This photograph encapsulates exactly what it is like to live in San Francisco. The background: a gorgeous open green space, perfect for running with a toddler, playing a game of Frisbee, just enjoying being outside.

The foreground: someone's garbage tossed casually onto the grass. Nice.

I walked Noah in the stroller for an hour today, trying to get him to nap long enough for me to go fondle yarns at Imagiknit. Curiously, the Castro was too interesting for him to fall asleep.


Noel Coward

I think Noah is in love with Maia's straw hat because he wants to tilt it at a rakish angle and play a witty little ditty on Gatsby's baby grand in the smoky drawing room full of glittery people. He's not rhyming as well as Cole Porter, but that's only because of the two martinis on the piano (one with olive, one without). Watch out, ladies.
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Things I learned from Law and Order: SVU

Benson can't help you if you keep protecting the real criminal.

Homeless crack maniacs NEVER commit sex crimes.

Wealthy Wall Street financial wizards ALWAYS commit sex crimes...
...unless their long-suffering wives did...
...or their prodigal sons from a previous marriage.

If it's a high-profile news story today, it will be an episode of SVU tomorrow.

It's totally legal for Stabler to punch suspects in the face.

All foreign female college students are pretending to be virgins for the benefit of the traditional, hotheaded fathers who are going to kill them.

Fin has a PhD in teen street slang. Only he can talk to the teen suspect framed for the beloved city councilman's crimes.

Trust John Munch's paranoia.

Sometimes you have to walk through a lot of doorways to catch a child rapist.